Direct Discount Program
Want to be more energy efficient but fear the upfront cost and time? The PPL Electric Direct Discount Program provides attractive incentives to small business GS-1 or GS-3 rate code customers. Eligible measures include:
- Refrigeration
- Compressed Air
- HVAC Equipment and Tune-Ups
- Domestic Hot Water
- Lighting
- Smart Thermostats
- Custom Projects
Developed with the Small Business in Mind:
- Offers higher incentive to help offset the capital investment for energy efficiency projects.
- Requires that improvements be installed by an approved PPL Electric contractor.
- No application for the customer. The contractor handles the paperwork!
- All small and medium PPL Electric business customers with a GS1 or GS3 rate code are eligible. Not sure of your rate code? Check your current utility bill. If it states GS1 or GS3, you’re eligible for an incentive.
- For retrofit projects only. If you have a new construction project, it can be submitted through our Standard program.
Program Highlights:
- All projects require pre-approval prior to beginning construction in order to remain eligible.
- Efficient Equipment, Interior Lighting, and Custom Projects are calculated at $0.15/kWh - up to 80% of total project cost.
- Exterior Lighting incentives are calculated at $0.10/kWh - up to 80% of total project cost.
- Incentives are paid directly to the contractor. Customer is responsible for a much lower portion of the project costs due to the incentive.